

20 Uppsatser om Typha latifolia - Sida 1 av 2

Dygnsvariation av metanemission från en anlagd våtmark

The aim of the study was to investigate if methane emission in a constructed wetland changed in a diurnal pattern correlating to temperature, humidity or light conditions. The gas measurements were carried out with a static chamber technique. The wetland (in Nykvarn outside of Linköping, Sweden) takes care of wastewater to reduce the nitrogen loads. Measurements were carried out at three different occasions in the summer of 1998 on two sites in the wetland. One site was close to the inflow, inhabited by Lemnaceae, and another site was located further downstream inhabited by the emergent macrophyte Typha latifolia.

Potentiella arealer för ökad virkesproduktion i norra Sverige genom skogsodling med Pinus contorta var. latifolia, Larix sukaczewii, Abies lasiocarpa, Populus × wettsteinii och Picea mariana

Sweden is a country with few native tree species. According to Govt. 2007/08: 108, exotic tree species may be seen as an opportunity to increase the growth of tree volume in Sweden. Potential areas where explored In this work for cultivation with Pinus contorta var. latifolia Engelm., Larix sukaczewii Dylis, Abies lasiocarpa (Hook.) Nutt., Populus × wettsteinii Hämet-Ahti (tremula x tremuloides) and Picea mariana (Mill.) Britton et.al.

Finns det verkligen mikroorganismer i kaveldun? En ämnesfördjupning- en läroprocess

Metan är en växthuseffektpåverkande gas. Eftersom dess koncentration ökar i atmosfären ingår den i ett stort framtida, globalt miljöproblem. I uppdraget som lärare står att elever ska göras medvetna kring de processer som påverkar deras miljö. Vårt syfte med uppsatsen är att fördjupa våra ämneskunskaper i och kring de processer som påverkar vår miljö. Detta för att göra ndervisningen mer intressant och för att kunna leda eleverna mot en kunskapsutveckling i ett ämne som är högst aktuellt.

En uppföljning av floran i Enköpings vattenpark : kan anlagda våtmarker med vattenrening som huvudsyfte bidra till naturvård och biologisk mångfald?

Wetlands are important ecosystems and form habitat for both common and threatened species. In Sweden, as well in many other places on earth, there is a lack of wetlands. There is an expressed will to adjust this lack through restoration of wetlands with reduced function and through construction of new wetlands. Follow-ups and evaluations are important steps to optimize these actions. The wetland Vattenparken was constructed 1999 ? 2000 for treatment of surface water.

Planteringsförbandets betydelse för kvalitetsegenskaper i Contortatall (Pinus contorta var. latifolia)

In Sweden, large scale planting of Lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta var. latifolia) started in the beginning of the 1970?s. At first, the aim was production of pulpwood, but later, also production of timber became considered realistic. Today, Sweden has more than 520 000 ha of Lodgepole pine.

Föryngringsresultatet efter sådd av contortatall (Pinus contorta Dougl. var. latifolia Engelm.) i Härjedalen

Den här studien är en uppföljning av föryngringsresultatet efter maskinell sådd av contorta (Pinus contorta Dougl. var. latifolia Engelm.) i Härjedalen. Efter tre växtsäsonger uppgick det totala antalet såddplantor till 3 700 per ha och antalet huvudplantor uppgick till 1 800 per ha. Andelen nollytor uppgick till 2 %.

Planteringsförbandets inverkan på bestånd av contortatall (Pinus contorta var. latifolia) med avseende på volymtillväxt och virkesegenskaper

At the beginning of the 1970´s forestry feared an imbalance in the future wood supply. Because of this anticipated "timber slump" forest companies undertook a variety of measures to counter this. One of these measures was the introduction of exotic tree species. The choice finally ended up with lodgepole pines which were considered a fast growing tree species compared to our native tree species. Theambition for the new lodgepole pine stands were to run these with rotation periods of between 40-60 years, thus smoothing out the ?timber slump? that was anticipated.

Typhas inverkan på reningsgraden av TKN, BOD5 och COD i en anlagd rotzonsvåtmark i pilotskala.

Detta examensarbete är utfört på plats i Lajaedo, Brasilien och i anslutning till Sanitário de Lajeado ? RS, Brasilien, mellan januari till maj 2010. I samband med denna rapport utfördes två andra examensarbeten inom samma områden. Det är menat att denna rapport skall ligga till grund för framtida projekt och beslut om utökad lakvattenrening.Lajeado ligger i södra Brasilien ca 100 km från atlantkusten. 10 km utanför Lajeado ligger en ung avfallsdeponi på ca 15 000 m2 till ytan med tillhörande lakvattenrening med ett utjämningsmagasin, en syrsättningsbassäng samt sedimentering.

Effects of storage time, die channel length and moisture content on pellet quality of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl. var. latifolia)

The use of renewable resources is rapidly increasing in Sweden, especially the use of fuel pellets. Through pelletizing the energy content per volume unit is greatly increased and the pellets are more homogeneous with regard to moisture content, particle size and density compared to unrefined fuels like forest residues and chips. For further development of the Swedish pellet industry, the use of different assortments from lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl. var. latifolia) is of particular interest, mainly because of its high volume production.

Rimbo våtmark : en förstudie på förväntad kväveavskiljning och lämplig växtlighet

This study was made as a part of a feasibility study on a polishing wetland at Rimbo wastewater plant (wwp) in Norrtälje municipality. The wwp had to decrease the nitrogen discharge to reach the limit 15 mg tot-N/l. The nitrogen in the outlet was mainly in the form of nitrate, hence the wetland mainly ought to support denitrification. The proposed area for the wetland was situated right next to the wwp and was already in the municipalitys posession. One aim of this study was to examine what spieces of plants needed to achieve highest possible denitrification.

Contortatallens roll för virkesförsörjningen på Holmen Skog, Region Iggesund : konsekvensanalys av fyra hushållningsstrategier för contortatall

Large areas of Lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta var. latifolia) were planted in the 1970s - and '80s. The purpose of the fast-growing species was to increase growth and with short rotation periods allow a rapidly increased harvest level. Today a large proportion of the young forests owned by Holmen Skog, Iggesund are covered by Lodgepole pine and an active forest management is required to spread the harvested volume over time which is desirable by a market perspective. The purpose of this essay is to investigate the possibility of spreading the harvested volume of Lodgepole pine over time.

Lodgepole pine - stability after thinning

SCA has today almost 300 000 hectares of their forest land planted with lodgepole pine(Pinus contorta var. latifolia). Due to initial extensive planting in the 1970ies the area oflodgepole pine forests in the thinning age has grown rapidly from the end of the 1990ies.During the years 1996-2005 first commercial thinning of lodgepole pine at SCA took place.The goal of the hereby presented study was to investigate the growth and stability in thosefirstly-thinned lodgepole pine stands a few years after thinning. Furthermore, the objectivewas to investigate the relationship between stand stability and different stand parameters.Additionally, lodgepole pine stem quality was estimated.The study is mainly based on the data collected during an inventory project carried out atSCA in 2008. Altogether 91 lodgepole pine stands in northern Sweden were measured afterthe first thinning.

Tillväxt och potentiell sågtimmerkvalitet i gallringsmogna jämförelseplanteringar med Pinus contorta och P. sylvestris :

The Swedish Cellulosa Companiy, SCA, has today 280 000 ha planted with lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta var. latifolia) (?C?) which is equivalent to 14 % of its total forest area. Exotic lodgepole pine has in previous experimental stands shown a superior growth than the native Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) (?S?).But also the comparison could be questioned because stand histories were was unknown and also differences in age between C and S existed.

Gallringsprioritering av contortabestånd :

Extensive planting of the tree species lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta var. latifolia) during the 1970s and 80s has resulted in large areas now being available for commercial thinning. However, the varying quality of the stands creates a problem. The purpose of this study was to investigate, at the Torsby district of the Stora Enso forest company, how well the present computer records of the stands correspond to reality and determine which stands are, from a qualitative perspective, suited for timber production. Finding variables that indicate better stands would give Stora Enso the possibility of selecting qualitative stands which are more profitable to thin. The study included 32 stands containing at least 70 % Pinus contorta.

Trädslagsinverkan på markvegetationens utveckling i odlingsförsök med tall och contorta :

In the 1970?s it was predicted that in the beginning of the 21st century there would be a timber shortage in Sweden and a large scale introduction of the exotic tree species lodgepole pine started. An introduction of a foreign tree species means a risk of a negative influence on the forests ecosystem. Today, the stands that were established in the 70?s are middle-aged and the effect on the forest floor vegetation can be studied.

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